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NH Big Buck Photos

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Click on a Year button below to go to pages of photos of Big Bucks
(Big Buck defined by weight or antlers)

2010bucks 2011 bucks 2012 bucks 2013 buck button 2014 bucks


 IF POSSIBLE take the photos as soon after the kill as possible and before gutting.

Try to manage the animal into a fairly natural looking pose.

Make sure the tongue is in the mouth and blood wiped off the face (or anywhere that will show in the photo), antlers and your hands. A wet towel is a must. A dash of peroxide and water can help take blood out of white areas (but do not get this on black areas).

 Avoid including giant wounds in the photo, cover wounds with your weapon, hat, coat or leaves/snow.

 IF you have to take the photo post gut and transport do your bes
t and remember leaves, gear in the picture and a wet towel are your friend.

Pay attention to background and lighting. A bad background can ruin a perfect photo. Poor light can make an image too grainy. Taking a photo at night-shine a flashlight on the focus point and focus camera, turn flashlight off and take photo.

Take the photo from as low of an angle as you can.

Be respectful. Don't ride the animal, TRY to not have it hanging and for best appearances don't do the "bass fishing" photo (hunter way behind animal), If you need to hold the head up hold behind the ears not the antlers or descretely prop the head up with an object.

Taking these steps will give you the absolute best odds of a photo worthy of the magnificant animal and of a lifetime of memories.

Thank You!
Diane Richardson, web site manager

ALL images and content (C) 2014 NH Antler and Skull Trophy Club and/or Roscoe Blaisdell